Ultimate Healing | Deep Holistic Healing
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Body ~ Mind ~ Spirit


Transformative Healing - Vibration, Frequency, and Energy!

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Times have changed dramatically and WE are changing with it. 
It is time to go deeper for true and lasting healing!  

~ Supplements alone will not create the lasting change you seek. There is SO much more!
~ 'BioField Clearing' releases old trauma's, trapped emotions, fears, limitations, inherited

and ancestral patterns, and more to improve your health, and change your life!
 Or discover the deep and insightful 'Intuitive Spiritual Healing' with Dr. Jane.
Connect w
ith your Akashic Records, Guides, and Angels to answer your questions,
or to offer deep insights and healing!

           Listen to my latest radio podcast, it was quite powerful!!
              The QUANTUM MIND - Unleash Your Infinite Potential!
What Does That Mean?


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            Dr. Jane Smolnik, ND, MH, CIH

Peoples health issues are much more complex now than they were 20-30 years ago.  Many people have auto-immune conditions - thinking it is a lifetime sentence. But it doesn't need to be. We often have recurring challenges in life, like finances, relationships, self-sabotage, and many other concerns.
How many are in fear of getting 'the virus'?  Did you know that you cannot even catch a cold unless your frequency is down to 59 MHz.?  Flu is 57-58 Mhz. (A healthy human body vibrates at 62-68 MHz. - million pulses per second)
How can you eliminate the negative influences, raise your vibration, your energy, your potential, and your life? This is my passion - Let's go DEEPER!
What is causing all of these chronic health issues?  What is lowering our vibration? First of all, we are bombarded daily by toxins, even in the air we breathe and the water we drink, not to mention the foods, supplements, and medicines we ingest. Our world is polluted and so are our bodies.
Plus, we have excessive Electro Magnetic Radiation affecting our cells, and our brains, limiting our ability to release toxins and getting nutrients into the cells. I can help with that too. There's more to do if you truly want to heal.
We ALL have some trapped emotions, blocked energy, stressors and trauma's, core fears, inherited and ancestral patterns in our DNA, and in our energy field. The underlying issues are usually in our subconscious mind - hidden from us! 
It is time for us to look at WHAT has been keeping us limited! Why can't we achieve our true potential and live a vibrant, happy, healthy life? We actually CAN - right now. Learn about the powerful Biofield Clearing technique!
Also consider all the stress and fear everyone is under!  Everything is coming up to the surface, shadows are coming into the light, we are being called to HEAL on much deeper levels!  Taking good care of our health is ESSENTIAL now.  Are YOU ready?


                      Good Health is a CHOICE! 


Jane Smolnik is an accomplished healer, speaker and teacher with over 36 years of experience in the field of natural medicine and holistic healing. She is a Naturopathic Doctor, Master Herbalist, Holistic IridologistKinesiologist, Light Therapist, and Cert. Intuitive and Spiritual Healer


While drawing upon her wide background of knowledge, skills, expertise and sharp intuition, Jane uses compassion and inspiration to help her clients regain a vibrant, happy life.  You may reach her at 828-777-JANE (5263).  She works with clients worldwide by phone or online via ZOOM meetings. 

Enjoy my welcome video!

Heath Services

Holistic Health Services with Dr. Jane

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The Powerful
'BioField Clearing'

This is deep inner healing work, going all the way down to the DNA! Dr. Jane uses a simple, yet powerful technique and 24 charts to easily identify and clear old baggage, trapped emotions, traumas. blocks, core fears, limiting beliefs, self-sabotage, addictions, or repeating inherited patterns. Once cleared, we use the Healing Charts to realign you with your Highest and True Self. Find out your specific 'Inner Healing Keys'! Always Powerful and sacred work!

Releasing these blocks often result in the sudden disappearance of:

  • physical health problems,

  • chronic pains,

  • self-sabotage,

  • financial / abundance difficulties

  • relationship difficulties.

  • depression and anxiety

This is done LONG-DISTANCE by phone

and recorded for you.

New training course starts soon!

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'Intuitive Spiritual Healing' with Dr. Jane

When you are dealing with chronic problems or conditions, it is usually deeply rooted in our Soul's journey. 

​What I do in this phone session, with your permission, is connect with your Akashic Records (your Soul's Records), and your Guides, Angels, Masters, Loved Ones, Your 'Medical Assistant Team', and your Highest Self.  I act as a bridge to facilitate communication with you. I will ask you exactly what you want to work on, so they know what you are ready to heal. You may ask your 'Guides, Angels, or Medical Assistant Team' questions. This provides powerful and deeply insightful inner healing. Each session is recorded for your review. Always fascinating.

Use coupon code 'Spirit30off' to get $30 off your first session!

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The ULTIMATE RESULTS Coaching Program!

What is REALLY the underlying cause of our health problems?  What if you could heal once and for all?

Most people don't realize that often the 'mystery illnesses' that we can't seem to recover from, actually have a mis-understood root cause. 

Our viewpoint, our beliefs and outlook, and our 'frequency,' also play a major role here. Having trapped emotions and a lower vibration makes you vulnerable to disease, as well as being very acidic. You can easily RAISE your vibration, shift the recurring things that bring you down, release chronic pain and other conditions, improve your immune system, and restore your alignment with your TRUE self!

I will work with individuals who are COMMITTED to healing on much DEEPER levels in this powerful coaching program. We will work on the Physical, Emotional, Mental, Spiritual, and Environmental levels. Choose a 6, 12, or 24 session plan.  


Enjoy Dr. Jane's
Divine Power Meditation!

This beautiful and powerful healing meditation is only 14 minutes! 
Visit my Youtube channel for many more!




Join our newsletter for NEW
upcoming classes, 
online workshops, and special offers!!

(We won't SPAM you or bombard you!)

Please call 828-777-JANE (5263) for more info.



For any inquiries, questions please call: 828-777-5263 or fill out the following form

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Appointments are required

Appointments Long-Distance by Phone or Online Meeting.

IN-Office Visits are NOT available.

Click the 'Book Now' button to choose an appointment and see my available schedule.

Interested in Health Coaching?
Find out more: Call 828-777-5263

Ultimate Healing Office

Hours - EST


Asheville, NC 28803



Tel: 828-777-5263

Mon. 11- 6 pm
Tues. 11- 3 pm
Wed. 11 - 6 pm
Thurs. 11 - 6 pm
Fri. 11 - 6 pm
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